Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My Hidden Side

Poetry has been a big part of my life.  Well, ever since the 8th grade when I had to write a poetry assignment.  I can still remember the last phrase of the first poem that inspired me.

"Out of a world of happiness, suddenly I am sad.  Day and night it haunts me... the kiss I never had"

I was hooked since then and immediately started writing my own poetry.  As stated in an earlier blog I used this newfound artistic expression as a way to get girls.  I mean what jr high girl doesn't like a hand written note from a boy expressing his (cough...cough) true feelings for her.  Okay... so it wasn't my TRUE feelings... and I am an evil bastard.  Anyway... it worked.  Sometimes a little too well.  I was even asked by several of my friends to write their girl a poem that looked like it came from them.  I always had a knack for putting myself in someone else's emotional state.  One of the reasons why I knew acting was the path for me.

However, during my times in high school I started to have many issues in my life.  From moving from a big city to a small town, going to 6 different schools in 7 years and dealing with family problems.  My writing started becoming more of an escape.  I was never one to look back and regret what I went through in life, but it was still hard dealing with so much change in so little time.

Once I found the woman I would eventually marry, it took a new twist.  No longer was I writing about myself but now I actually had a reason to write my feelings for someone else.  I even wrote my wedding vows out in a poem 2 hours before the wedding.

I've been told that I should write for Hall-Mark and for awhile I tried to see if it was possible.  But other ventures quickly arose and I never went that route in life.  I soon found that poetry is really something beautiful only for the writer and their subject.  Many times nobody else seems to care.  I never quite understood that.

I guess it's because a person can view a painting for 10 seconds... get the gist of it and move on while poetry takes time not only to read but to analyze.  Most artwork can be taken in many different ways depending on who is viewing it but in poetry you are forced to go inside the writers head.  And if you can't relate then what good is it. 

So for years I have kept my thoughts hidden from the world and only let a select few ever take a glimse of that part of my life.  Now, I have finally decided to post some of them on its own website.  Maybe people will enjoy it... or maybe people will take a glance and go "ehhh".  Either way, it's not for them... it's for me.  And if someone is truly interested in knowing a bit more about me (and if you are reading this blog then maybe you are) then perhaps it's for you as well.  *Click below*

My poetry website

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