Friday, July 8, 2011

Should Funerals Be Extinct?

Something that has bothered me recently and I never quite understood the reasoning behind it.  Funerals

Why do we continue to spend money on these?  Now I am not talking about a gathering of people coming to mourn a loss, I mean the whole shabang.  Why a coffin, why dress up in black, why have a priest involved?

I know tradition has been this way for a while now, but is it really necessary anymore?

When I pass away I could really care less what happens to my body.  I feel it's a vessel of some sort anyhow.  Why keep it intact and bury it for any reason?  The only reason I can think of is to keep funeral homes employed.  Seriously though, why not just burn the body completely.  Then afterwards if you want a marker (or a type of monument if you will) to remember them by then so be it... but do we really need to know that their body is underground rotting away?

Life is full of useless crap that unfortunately are around because people buy into it.  "It's tradition so we have to do it this way"  Really?  You HAVE TO!  Are you scared that the person is going to haunt you the rest of YOUR life if you don't spend over $10,000 on a funeral?

While we are on the subject I guess you can put Weddings in that category as well.  I mean how much do we REALLY need to spend?  What is the value of love?  For me, the value of love is not money but time spent.  It doesn't matter if you spent $50,000 or $50 on a wedding as long as you know you are with the one you love. 

If you were to tell me that weddings cost money because it helps keep that couple together well the divorce rate is over 50% and constantly rising.  So that theory is out the window.  I bet you the success rate of a couple who gets married at a courthouse is actually higher than a formal wedding anyhow.  I'm not sure of that but I have a hunch.

And the diamond ring.... seriously!  Now I know... I have one of those and so does my wife, but why a diamond?  And why is it that the resale value of that ring is about 90% less than what it originally sold for.  Shouldn't it be like gold and increase in value?  Again, another marketing ploy by the powers that be to get you to buy crap that is not needed.

Casey Anthony Part 2

I hate to expand on this trial thing but after watching HLN for the past 2 days I am laughing my ass off at the stupidity that they are spreading.  They remind me more of TMZ than a news channel lately.

#1- Constant photos of Caylee running almost the entire program.  The only reason I can gather is to spur up more hatred towards the NOT GUILTY verdict.  It's so sad the bias that has been spewed about this case since day 1. 

#2- Jumping on the defense team for "celebrating their victory".  Are you kidding me?  There is absolutely nothing wrong with being happy with a NOT GUILTY verdict that could have spelled death.  All they keep saying is "Why are they celebrating when a little girl is still dead".  Well, it's been 3 years.  It's not like it happened last week.

#3- Analyzing her hair and look on her sentencing date.  What is this about, seriously?  Did she come in looking like a hooker or even Paris Hilton?  They are also pointing out all the simple facial expressions she made while in court and wondering if THAT is the real Casey.

It amazes me how much people are reaching to continue to bash her because they feel that justice failed.  It is outright pathetic the complete hatred that has been bestowed upon her for every single move that she makes.  Funny thing is that is someone was to shoot her tomorrow most of the people in this country would say she deserved it.

#4- She served 3 years in jail already.  What are people talking about her getting away with anything? 

I don't really blame the people that much because most are mindless zombies without their own opinion anyhow.  You need proof- just look at cars on the freeway the next time you drive.  People will coast down the road following the person in front of them without even considering other possibilities (no matter how slow the person in front is going).  You see a car in the front line going 5 miles UNDER the speed limit and suddenly there are 5 to 10 cars behind him not even looking to pass.  ZOMBIES!!!!!! 

The actual blame falls on the media for taking advantage of the stupid people that will follow anything you throw at them.  It's quite pathetic.  As far as our society has come over the centuries, one thing remains the same.  Human emotion has and will always be the downfall of this world.  It's technically not the emotion that is bad but the lack of control over it.

In all seriousness I could give a damn about this verdict.  If she was found guilty then she goes away for perhaps life.  I didn't even know anyone anyhow.  This didn't happen next door to me or to a family member. It happened across the country so I have nothing invested in this.  That goes for 99.9% of the population out there as well.  And don't tell me this hits home because of a little girl because if this happened in China hardly anyone would give one shit about it.  They would have had a 30 second blurb about it then gone.  If the media never jumped on this story at the beginning then this story would have fallen by the wayside within minutes.  Strange thing is there are crazy ass people out there that have killed numerous amounts of people (including kids) in jail right now that you have heard nothing about.

But then again... maybe it's just me.  And if it is then perhaps you would label me as a psychopath for thinking the way I do.  If that's the case I say bring it.  I will never sacrafice my views for defending another individual.  It's the people that judge others harshly that are the real problem with this world.  You want an open heart.... it starts with an open mind.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Casey Anthony trial... Good for her

I don't usually comment on issues like this because frankly what's the point.  People will have their opinions but who here actually knows her?  How many people in the world have seen all the evidence and have an unbiased opintion?  Not very many.

It cracks me up when programs like Nancy Grace keep having people on her show call in and almost in tears like they have anything invested in this trial.  Saying things like "I know she's guilty" and "Why were they celebrating their victory when a little girl is dead?" and "She's a psychopath and she will kill again" WTF!!!!

Seriously, she was in prison for 3 years already.  If I was in prison for any amount of time and got a not guilty plea I would be dancing on the courtroom table.  I wouldn't give a shit about what anyone else thought.  She had 3 years to mourn the loss of her daughter. 

The fact is she was found NOT GUILTY.  Like it or not it's over.  She still was in jail for 3 years, she still has to live with the loss of her daughter, and her family still has the legal bill to pay.  All in all, regardless if she gets money for a movie deal she is still NOT GUILTY! 

People in this world love to place blame on people before knowing the facts.  Then they claim they know the person is guilty because it doesn't make sense.  Since when are you guilty because things don't add up.  That's what the courtroom is for to PROVE it doesn't make sense and fill in the gaps.  If you can't do that then how do you know anything?

The world is full of dumbasses who have absolutely nothing better to do than to look at their neighbor and find fault in them.  "That person drives a 1995 Honda, they must be poor", "That person is weird and has long hair, he must do drugs".  Seriously!

There is no innocent until proven guilty in this world.  It's all about perception and it is assanine that it's that way.  Hell, just the other day I was pulling into a parking space and backed up a little to line my car up.. suddenly a car speeds around me yelling at me "What are you doing!" as he drove by.  "Uggghhh, I was parking my car dumbass... what are you doing swerving around my vehicle like an earthquake is coming?"

It really gets to me that all it takes is one person to say something bad about another to almost make it true.  It happens in schools, it happens where you work and it happens with your so-called friends.  People are shit plain and simple.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Moving to Europe

Sometimes I just want to pack up and move to Europe.  Maybe it's my restless nature in me... or maybe there's something more to it.  Either case, if it wasn't for my 2 lil' ones I probably would already be there now.  Not that I am not happy being a dad or anything (let's get that straight right now).

Seriously though, sometimes I just get tired of being in the same place everyday.  Most days I am very content with my situation and happy to be living in Southern Cali where I can make a living doing what I love to do.  But that thing that I love to do (photography) is also the thing driving me to change. 

Luckily over the past 4 years I have been able to travel for weeks at a time all around Europe, including parts of Africa, Turkey and later this year China.  I feel very fortunate to have done that in which many only get to dream of.  But I crave more.  Sure 3 weeks is fine but I'm talking at least 3 months to a year.  How fun would it be to just fly to Southern France and start over for a period of time.  Find a job doing something, travel around Europe just because it's the weekend, and enjoy a completely different way of life for a spell.  Sure I would miss many things I am used to in the States, but that's the idea. 

There are still many places I want to see around the world, although places in Europe are getting less and less attractive since I have already been there 5 times now.  But Sweden, Finland, St Petersburg, Prague, Vienna all still interest me as well as other parts of France and Germany that I haven't seen yet.

Next year I am planning a trip that will include several places I have already seen.  Paris, Barcelona, Nice and Rome are all cities I have been to before but haven't had the opportunity to finish my stay there.  That's why I am making sure that Lisbon Portugal is on that list as well to say I've been there.  A future trip would have to include Prague, Copenhagen, parts of Sweden and Poland, Vienna and Bratislava.  That would most likely end my trips to Europe for awhile as I concentrate on South America and Australia after that.

The point is, even though I am not going to live overseas anytime soon I still have this craving to do so.  I mean how great would it be to just leave my place in the morning with an easel and draw the Roman Forum as I see it in front of me?  How awesome would it be to jump on a train tomorrow to see what Versailles is like in France?  Sure one day I will be able to see those places on a trip but just the thought of not having to wait until a certain time of year to do so just intrigues me so much.  Hell, it's killing me just waiting these final 2 1/2 months before hitting Beijing.

Bottom line is I'm a survivor.  I always seem to make due and adapt to my surroundings and this would be no different.  And when my kids are grown and out of the house in about 8-10 years then I may just revisit this notion of moving to the French Riviera for a time.  Until then, I guess I will just have to make due with the 3 weekers.