Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Letter to My Complex Manager

Recently I had a run-in with the security guard at my complex.  Below is the actual letter that I wrote to management explaining the situation.

To Management:
On the night of February 4th shortly after 10pm the security guard came to Pool #1.  There were about 7 to 8 of us just sitting around talking when the Security guard told us to leave.  Without anyone saying a word we got out of the pool.  As we were leaving he asked who was a resident here because we should know better.  This was uncalled for and extremely rude behavior on the guards part.  He even accused me of having a glass at the pool even when I told him it was plastic.
As I was toweling off the guard approached me and said “If this happens again I will have to take names”.  Excuse me, but if WHAT HAPPENS?  All the security had to do was simply say it’s time to leave and we are always ready to.  Especially at Pool #1 where we just socialize and relax.  There is no need for intimidating tactics of any nature.  The guard was acting like he was trying to start a fight.
This started getting the people at the pool upset, because everyone was already leaving the area and we all felt that his constant berating us was uncalled for.  One person told him “He didn’t have to be a dick about it” and the security guard began following that person out of the pool area causing the resident to state “Don’t follow me”. 
This is not the first time this security guard has been rude and abrupt in his tone.  I am writing to inform management that this behavior by any staff is not warranted and unnecessary.    I would hate for this complex (which is a nice community to live in) to end up with bad reviews and a not so favorable reputation because of the security staff.  You guys have worked hard to keep this complex looking and feeling nice and comfortable to have one person throw it off balance.
I am sure you do not want your residents to feel intimated to relax at the pool and hot tub areas at all.  I am afraid if this rudeness continues with your security that it will only add more conflicts in the future and could lead to police action if it ever got out of hand.  I know nobody wants that.
Thank you for your attention in this matter

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