Saturday, July 2, 2011

Moving to Europe

Sometimes I just want to pack up and move to Europe.  Maybe it's my restless nature in me... or maybe there's something more to it.  Either case, if it wasn't for my 2 lil' ones I probably would already be there now.  Not that I am not happy being a dad or anything (let's get that straight right now).

Seriously though, sometimes I just get tired of being in the same place everyday.  Most days I am very content with my situation and happy to be living in Southern Cali where I can make a living doing what I love to do.  But that thing that I love to do (photography) is also the thing driving me to change. 

Luckily over the past 4 years I have been able to travel for weeks at a time all around Europe, including parts of Africa, Turkey and later this year China.  I feel very fortunate to have done that in which many only get to dream of.  But I crave more.  Sure 3 weeks is fine but I'm talking at least 3 months to a year.  How fun would it be to just fly to Southern France and start over for a period of time.  Find a job doing something, travel around Europe just because it's the weekend, and enjoy a completely different way of life for a spell.  Sure I would miss many things I am used to in the States, but that's the idea. 

There are still many places I want to see around the world, although places in Europe are getting less and less attractive since I have already been there 5 times now.  But Sweden, Finland, St Petersburg, Prague, Vienna all still interest me as well as other parts of France and Germany that I haven't seen yet.

Next year I am planning a trip that will include several places I have already seen.  Paris, Barcelona, Nice and Rome are all cities I have been to before but haven't had the opportunity to finish my stay there.  That's why I am making sure that Lisbon Portugal is on that list as well to say I've been there.  A future trip would have to include Prague, Copenhagen, parts of Sweden and Poland, Vienna and Bratislava.  That would most likely end my trips to Europe for awhile as I concentrate on South America and Australia after that.

The point is, even though I am not going to live overseas anytime soon I still have this craving to do so.  I mean how great would it be to just leave my place in the morning with an easel and draw the Roman Forum as I see it in front of me?  How awesome would it be to jump on a train tomorrow to see what Versailles is like in France?  Sure one day I will be able to see those places on a trip but just the thought of not having to wait until a certain time of year to do so just intrigues me so much.  Hell, it's killing me just waiting these final 2 1/2 months before hitting Beijing.

Bottom line is I'm a survivor.  I always seem to make due and adapt to my surroundings and this would be no different.  And when my kids are grown and out of the house in about 8-10 years then I may just revisit this notion of moving to the French Riviera for a time.  Until then, I guess I will just have to make due with the 3 weekers.

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