It amazes me that so many people just follow the person in front of them without giving a second thought. I grew up with the notion to question everything and not be satisfied with the first answer that came along. Maybe people find it easier to let someone else make the choices for them so they don't feel responsible. Perhaps it is just instilled in their heads at birth. Either way I can't bring myself to follow something that I have no clue where it is taking me. That's why I believe that there is no one set path for people. Everyone needs to find their own inner beliefs on how to survive in this world. We can't waste our time trying to convince others on how to do it because one persons way is not right for everyone else. Yet society likes to trick people into thinking that everyone is the same. That is far from the truth.
School systems and colleges spend way too much time trying to uniform their students into one category, and spend little to no time trying to find out what really works BEST for each person individually. I spent 4 years in college and studied everything from art history to elementary education. From accounting to computer science and psychology. I even took a bowling and a golf class. Not for a piece of paper but for a peace of mind. I wanted to be self sufficient in my life and have the knowledge to go after whatever it was that I wanted to. And if I felt like changing my career choice down the road I could do so without feeling the need of going back to school for a diploma.
It has served me very well as I have run my own business, took care of my families needs and been flexible to adapt to changes in life. This bad economy included. While many are finding it hard to go back to school to learn a trade, I have been fortunate to have the mindset to take chances and make a living doing what I love to do. Best of all, I didn't have to leave my family in the dust to do it.
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