Recently I have been looking over old pictures in my photo album and realized that I have changed quite a bit in my look. Of course I am older but now I look totally different with facial and longer hair. Some people don't understand why I just don't cut my hair, but there is more to the story than that.
Growing up I was always the cute kid. Not braggin much (okay I am) but I always had a girlfriend ever since 6th grade when I kissed a girl to the song "Rock Me Amadeus" at the Jr High dance. In 7th grade I started growing a mustache and by High School I could grow out a nice looking beard. Although my mom made me shave at least twice a week for school. I guess she was afraid I would get in more trouble if I looked older.
So naturally once I got to college I let it all go. Full go-t with an afro. I didn't care what I looked like... it was freedom. Kinda like being on the Disney Channel all your life and finally you get a chance to be in a serious film. I had to take advantage of it. Of course that didn't last long as my now wife hated the look. I ended up keeping the mustache at times but cut the hair.
A year after college I started to get really tired of wearing contacts (my eyesight was like 20/1000 or something) so I finally got lasik eye surgery done. Within minutes I could see 20/20. It was like freedom all over again. Suddenly I was back into my apperance once more.. trimming up my facial hair, keeping my hair nice and later that year I caught the bug. No not lice... but the acting bug and the transformation was complete. No more shaggy look and hello clean cut, clean shaved 20 something year old.
I was me again... but better because now I could actually see. For the next 5 years I was all over Hollywood doing my thang. But through all of the classes, auditions and acting jobs I landed I was tired of paying so much attention to my looks. It's so true about Hollywood that it makes you superficial. I mean everytime I went out the door I felt like I had to look my best just in case I ran into someone. It started to weigh down on my self-esteem. So I took a break from acting. And guess what... back comes the facial hair. That is also when I began to grow out my hair for the first time. Sure it started out like a mullet, but eventually it all evened out.
So back to now... I am faced once again with whether or not to cut my hair. Not because I really want to but a part of me misses looking cute again. The rest of me is happy with the cool, rugged look. I mean I actually like it... but I always get people on one side of the fence or the other. All I know is once I cut my hair again I'm stuck. It's too hard to grow it out again so I'd probably keep it for awhile. Maybe I'll just compromise and clean shave twice a week and keep the long hair. Oh decisions, decisions.
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