Where do I see myself 10 years from now? That is really a tough question to answer. I know where I'd LIKE to be but to honestly say where do I think I WILL be is more difficult than it looks.
If I was asked that same question 15 years ago I would absolutely have no clue. At that time I was a freshman in college studying to become an art major. That notion quickly left me as I realized I didn't want to spend 2-3 hours a day taking art classes when I could simply work on my art in my own time.
Ten years ago I was 6 months into my internet phase and probably would have stated a dot com guru. Someone that makes a fortune with an internet site and then is set for the rest of his life. But that never stayed with me either. I liked the ease of being at home but computers was just not expressive enough for me. I needed something much more than that.
Five years ago I would have said being a well paid actor. Because lets face it who hasn't thought about wanting to be on tv. I had my time in the spotlight and still consider this to be a valid option if the right opportunities present themselves. But actually, I grew tired of the day to day routine of the entertainment business. Now I love being on set, playing characters that I made up as a child, and to some degree being noticed for what I do, but I didn't care for the industry itself at times. Hollywood is a lot of "what have you done for me" kind of town.
So with all that in mind, I would like to say that I would be a well paid photographer in 10 years time. Even though I am already going on trips and taking photos I would eventually like to be fully paid to do that in the future.
I would also like to get a full on gallery of my work set up. Over the past few years I have put together a decent amount of my photographs and artwork to put my work up for display, but I have no real clue or direction on how to get from A to B. So in the mean time I just keep collecting what I have in hopes one day it will just hit me. Maybe I will run into a person that can show me the basics or maybe I'll just wake up and realize THAT is my next step in life. Either way, in 10 years, it would be interesting to reflect back on this blog and see how true it turns out to be.
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