It's been just over 10 years since the big move to LA. Professional I have never been in a better place in my life. Added to the fact that my wife and I have absolutely the best relationship we could ever hope for, how could I complain. But the one thing that has been missing during this whole time here is an actual friend to count on.
There have been several potential people here and there but every time they run and do their own thing and turn out to be exposed as the selfish individuals that they are. Can't really fault them, however, since this is LA and everyone here seems to be more about making a name for themselves somehow then being someone's friend. Still it doesn't make it any easier sometimes.
It use to urk me when I finally meet a person I could hang out with only to find that they are on their way out of LA. Now I realize why. I mean in my 20s I didn't care who I hung out with. One day you're at a club and the next in Santa Barbara enjoying some wine tasting. But as I've been getting older it seems more and more that all I would really like is to just have some people I could truly count on to just hang with. You know the ones that you can call up and they'll be over in a second. Right now it just seems the only people that I can get together with are the ones that want to do happy hour to get work stuff off their mind. Spending time with others shouldn't have to involve alcohol EVERY SINGLE TIME and if it does then what's the point.
Maybe this is why I've tinkered with the idea of moving abroad. Somewhere to a smaller town that has actual family values. Who knows if that will ever come to pass and if it does how would I still be able to advance in my photography. That's the key. I've found the perfect career and have the perfect family.... just wish I could balance that with the perfect group of friends. Guess you can't have it all!
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