My daughter was petting a cat outside when an 8 year old boy pushed my daughter and told her to stop. She continued and he pushed her some more. So she got up and pushed him back (not even hard enough to knock him off balance mind you).
Suddenly the boys mom comes out of the house, pushes my 12 year old daughter and tells her "Never fucking touch my son again or fucking else"
Once I heard this (from several sources by the way- not just my daughter) I went straight to their house to confront her but nobody was home. I went there several times until after 9pm and still didn't see anyone there.
Tomorrow I plan to go over there and when that lady sees me (with my daughter behind me so she knows what this is about) I will tell her this...
"Before I contact the police I wanted to give you 1 minutes to explain. Did you touch and cuss at my daughter?" I will of course expect a sincere apology to my daughters face. If she gives me any kind of negative or defensive response I will simply say, "Thanks, that is all I needed to hear from you- you can tell the rest to the cop who files the report"
Of course I want to go into thug mode on this bitch so bad. I would love nothing more but to have my wife go over there and spank her in front of her own 8 year old son until she cries out herself. But being the methodical person I am I'd rather settle this in a way that will make sure she is sorry for what she did.
Telling my daughter to not push her child is understandable.... coming to me is preferable.... but to be physical with my daughter (even if it was not a serious push) and then to combat it with definite F-bombs to her face is inexcusable. I always told my daughter that if she is in trouble or wronged in a way that she can not handle I will be there to fight her battle for her. I can't wait to see the smile on my daughter's face tomorrow when that lady apologies to her straight up. And if she doesn't--- well she is one stupid bitch!
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