Thought I'd start today off right with a controversial topic. RELIGION!!!! Oh, you can hear people's butts puckering already. Just the word itself can bring self proclaimed powerful people to their knees.
I am not here to bash nor endorse religion to others by any means. But something has to be said for being realistic and truthful to yourself. For instance: I am glad people have something to believe in. Can you imagine the world without fear of some supreme being that can wipe us out at any moment? It would be a million times worse than what it is now. People would raid the streets without any kind of recourse and kill anything and anyone they choose. Not to mention it brings all the whack jobs off the street at least 1 morning a week. Because face it: there are many (and I mean MANY) people in this world that only go to church because their addictions would take them over otherwise. And that is a good thing. Sex, drugs, alcohol, anger and any other kind of addiction that can possibly exist can all be tamed down if that person feels there will be a consequense to their actions. It's like the worlds biggest rehab clinic.
However, the heart of the matter is not whether it is helpful to some but how accurate it really is. I find it very strange how people can claim their religious beliefs as the one truth of life and yet not a single person in this world was alive when the ancient books were written. All people have to go on is some words written and passed down for generations. I find this very hard to believe as concrete evidence that ANY of what we have heard is fact. So this is where the "Faith" rebuttal comes in. But why is it that when it comes to the real world faith is seen as foolish but in religion it's suddenly okay? Imagine a pilot flying blindly into storm clouds telling the passengers that FAITH will see us through this. If the plane falls are we supposed to just believe that it was gods will? Now I am not suggesting a person should never do something on instinct but when it comes to patterning your life after something then I would think that FACT would have a big part into it.
Secondly, there would absolutely be so much less violence in the world if people just respected each others position on religion and not try to make THEIR'S the winning combination. Just because it may work for you and your addictions are under control doesn't mean that it will work for everyone. People are different from the clothes they wear to the places they call home. Just because one person believes that a fat little buddha figure is the answer they've been looking for doesn't mean they are any less of an intellectual human being. It's simply pathetic how far we have grown in society and yet religion is one area that people will never understand how to make peace with.
WHO CARES what your god looks like or how he makes you feel. Religion is a personal journey not a public highway. If you are preaching to the world that your religion is the only true religion then you are no better than the telemarketers that call and beg you to switch your services over to them. It's the same thing!
I am a spiritual person in my own rite. I don't go to church because I don't feel the need to. I do pray because in someways I do believe their is some sort of higher power out there, but I am not naive enough to pinpoint exactly what that is. Could be aliens for all I know. I also refuse to believe that I will be judged for the god I prayed to or the church I attended or how many people I have converted over to my way of thinking. How a person can be so ignorant to believe that those who don't believe in one thing are going to HELL is beyond me.
The fact of the matter is that religion as we know it today is a far cry from what it was originally intended to be. And right now most are just a bunch of rumors that have been spread around for thousands of years being embellished foolishly from parent to child and believed as FACT. Maybe there is a one true god, but until the day comes when I am faced with him in the afterlife I will continue to believe that my good actions in this world is what counts more than any cross, any statue or any book that I could bow to.
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