06/30/21- Finally, after a 2020 year of craziness we are able to travel. Our son just turned 21 and we flew out four days ago from New York to Las Vegas to celebrate. Since we booked a few months in advance we were able to upgrade our seats to First Class using our miles and couldn’t have been happier with the meal service, drinks, lay-flat seats and speedy accommodations through security for that six hour flight.
Fast forward to this morning. Our four days in Vegas were fun and yet very hot (as much as 110 degrees), but we’re now ready to start our New England portion of our trip as our flight is set to leave at 11:55am.
Grabbed an UBER and our flight left on-time despite a passenger being kicked off the plane for not wanting to wear her mask. That’s a fine that would’ve been better suited to playing the tables in Vegas.
Connecting flight through Detroit brings us to Providence, Rhode Island around 11pm where we’ll be for the first night. Tomorrow will mark our first official day on this East Coast swing and can’t wait to get started.